The Utah Council of The Blind


February 1, 2025, Stop the Bleed – watch for updates (Anna Jeffery, chair)

We will be having a Stop the Bleed workshop on February 1st at 10 am at DSBVI, 250 N. 1950 W. SLC, no cost to you. The workshop will include things like the following:

Please Join us for a unique and empowering event where you can gain critical, life-saving skills
with the Stop the Bleed program! This national initiative is designed to teach individuals how
to respond to severe bleeding emergencies, equipping you with the knowledge and confidence
to take action when it matters most.

o How to identify life threatening bleeding.
o The proper use of tourniquets, wound packing techniques and direct pressure.
o Skills that can make a difference in saving a life during an emergency.

When: Saturday, February 1, 2025
Where: Division of Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired
250 N. 1950 W., Salt Lake City, UT
Time: 10:00 AM
Refreshments will be served.
Please call our office any time before January 29 to either talk to Kate or leave a message with your reservation so we can have enough material to practice with and of course enough refreshments

801-245-9264 M-F 10 am- 5 pm Closed Holidays.

Download the Stop The Bleed Flyer.

Listen to UCB Interview, 2023

The Utah Council of the Blind, also known as UCB, is a membership organization made up primarily of blind and visually impaired individuals who seek to improve the lives of people with various degrees of vision loss. We are a state affiliate of the American Council of the Blind (ACB), which gives us a national voice, yet allows us to be independent in creating our own goals, programs, along with keeping and using donations within the State of Utah. The UCB is recognized by the IRS as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation, which allows donations to our organization to be tax deductible. Our members pay a small annual fee, but we primarily depend on grants, private donations, and small fundraising events throughout the year to provide the funding for our many programs and activities.

Our organization uses over 90% of all income solely for our programs, with less than 10% spent on administrative costs. With that in mind, in order to keep our overhead costs down, all of our board members and our executive director work on a volunteer basis. We also have a large need for volunteers to complete various tasks, from office work, driving, reading mail, helping with getting large mailings ready to send, and soliciting donations to assist with setting-up, running, and taking down of activities.

  • An image gallery of The UCB, an image of the Layton LDS Temple with UCB members on a tour, The UCB State Training Conference 2024, the UCB at the State Fair 2024, and the UCB Christmas Party 2024.

Ways to give to the Utah Council of the Blind

Smith's Rewards

First, you must have a Smith's rewards card. If you do not have this card, ask for one at a checkout or service desk when you are at Smith's. For those of you who use your rewards cards to earn gasoline discounts, be aware that the Community Rewards do not affect those discounts at all. You will still be able to accumulate fuel points as before.

Second, you must have registered the card online. To do this, go to, follow the link to register and fill out the form with your email address, a password you create, your home store, etc.
To assign the UCB as your charitable organization:

  • Sign in to your Smith's account
  • Open the "My Account" page if it does not take you there automatically
  • Look for "Community Rewards" near the end of the page, find "Edit" below it, and activate that
  • On the search page that opens, below "Find your Organization" you can type either our number, which is "32989", or "Utah Council of the Blind"
  • Tab to "Search" and activate that
  • Go down to the results, find the checkbox in front of "Utah Council of the Blind", and press the spacebar
  • Tab to "Enroll" and activate that
  • You will be taken back to your "My Account" page where you can see that you have set "Utah Council of the Blind" as your selected organization.
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